
When God made the luggage ...( files...)

The truth is that Travolt was always fascinated by that movie that just released ,titled Pelham 123. - But weapons.. - No.Of course not.Althought Travolt had manufactured two Enfield number 2 MK revolvers.Martagon -orn ( so similar to Robert Shaw ),he had made them with soap,and then painted them with "rulex paint ".Thus,at the moment in which you read these lines ,a student was painting with hesitang handwriting " Russia freedom ". - It´s going to attract the police...-Travolt said ,signaling to his partner. -Shhh...girl !.Girl don´t fuck !.- Whispered the old opera singer ,briefly showing her the weapon on his belt.

When God made the luggage....( files...)

Rascal,you´re a rascal...- the sergeant told him grabbing him by the ear.Lather the other officer picked up the basket,with it´s little posters...the offers...that a wonderful world of marketing !. - Cheer up,cheer up Harris !.- Applauded some customers from other days...And it is that Harris was one of the most beloved businessman in Moscow.Harris,that wonderful Moscovite...and Harris that urgency to recover Moscov...

When God made the luggage...( files...)

Son, two gigantic policemen, appeared on the platform. For the rest, police for business matters of the subway ( p.b.m.s ) .Which were directed towards a small businessman, who sold vodka with orange juice. Seeing them, he tried to run away , hastily introducing his products into a basket.Those French fields baskets,so common ,after the second world war. - But...but if it´s Richard Harris again...- Said the sargeant - What a rascal...

When god made the luggage...( files...)

At the time of writing,Martagorn -orn and Travolt were walking down the stairs of Moscow´s Kienskaya station.That station ,clear,clean,and blue,in which - and in some paintings - one could well imagine the representation of the holy trinity.But...who was Travolt ?.At least,a decadent tennis player from Nice.Those terraces on the coast in the seventies...in which we used to watch Adriano Panata play...

When God made the luggage...( files...)

At number five on the cherry´s street.Merrin de Trin raise his index finger ,trying to call a taxi.The driver whose ressemblance to Ryan O´ Neal was amazing. - Have you seen Mary Poppins ?.-He asked. - Ah,ja,ja,ja,ja . What a joker.He said to himself.How little London had changed.He thought,at the same time that he could not stop observing the hidden cameras of Picadilly.Far away from there,in the Moscow subway,a dark -haired girl was handing out small glasses of Borsch soup. - Cups of soup !,little cups of soup...- Exclaimed the volunteer of "Christian soup...".

Del amor por el cine,del amor por la enseñanza.De "los Fabelman" a la institución libre de enseñanza.

Y es que el cole,debe ilusionar.El cole debe ser capaz de reconocer y despertar vocaciones...Así,el chico que de algún modo percibe "la llamada ",es mucho lo que tiene ganado.Si bien ,es asimismo la sociedad,la que en todo momento y en toda época debe permitir que en su seno,se desarrollen todos aquellos que sientan en su piel la educación.¡Claro !.Así llegamos pronto a Pestalozzi...Pestalozzi ,que creyó sobre todo en la educación,que creyó sobre todo en "el ascensor social ",aún el autor del "Emilio "el genialoide Jean-Jacques Rosseau,por supuesto,el magnífico San Juan Bosco,la institución libre de enseñanza,otros coles como el Ramiro de Maeztu...."somos un equipo de colegio...".Cantábamos cuando vivía Fernando Martín....

Del amor por el cine.del amor por la enseñanza.De los fabelman a la institución libre de enseñanza.

Cines conde duque.Auditorio Morasol.c/ Pradillo 4. 28002.Madrid.Director :Steven Spielberg.Gabrielle Labelle.Michelle williams .Paul Dano.horario:19.15.Ambiente de la sala.Aforo completo. Seguro que,"los Fabelman" ,es una de esas películas,las cuales el maestro,el director del cole,el educador,deberían pujar en lo posible porque los chicos y las chicas asistieran al cine en horario lectivo.Aún los fabelman  ( que en tantos y tantos momentos, se encuentra envuelta, por el celofán de Spielberg ).Demuestra como ,los chicos deben conocer,no solo el cine,sino ,mucho mas allá,el ambiente de cine,lo que suponía la sociabilidad del cine.El horario,la apertura,lo que significaron aquellas grandes salas,las mañanas en la taquilla :El palacio de la música,el cine Callao,los amigos de la gran vía...películas tales como...¿  Quién mato a Liberty Valance...?.

When god made the luggage ...( files...)

In the London office, Lester Ludock, trying to load his pipe,Holmes style,made into a movie by Houston Roller. - Has Mr. Star arrived ?. - No,it´s still early.- replied Alice.The contermessaging director. - Hmm...-exclaim.Spitting into the brass spitton.I´shit on the cold war...

When god made the luggage...( files...)

The "zenorium ",also called "stick against cameras ",entailed the ease of being "deployable".The "zenorium ",did not break the camera.But far beyond,they obscured them by encapsulating them in plastic manufactured in Trebliank.Thus,the fabulous designer of this stick, was the chinese Yu-Ha.A still young composer and  writer.He also had a degree in design from "lafter ". -Captain o my captain.... - Lieutenant That was a "top ten " station ,and therefore a precious,cosmic,universal station ...for which reason that "lamppost " group was ceirtainly chosen.  

When god made the luggage...( files )

For some time now,there have been so many signs of resistence.The people...the people who were romantic...were grouped under differents foundations.And all of those foundations ,the one that undoubtedly trascended  borders was of  "the lamppost " Captain. - Captain o my captain ....-Lieutenant Svenson ,did not remenber ,when joined "the lamppost".Which were ,boys and girls,provided with long sticks ( " Zenorium " ),with the purpose of disabling " the state security cameras ".Especially does of the capital´s subway.