
When he wanted to realize it,he was lying down,aiming precisely at sergeant Trevor. He was sweating ,with that hot sweat of those decisive moments he wanted.He wanted to aim at the heart.He shot !.The soldier seemed to wink before dying.Never, he asked himself again,because his soul, no longer wanted to know why he killed ?.Surely the boy not be more than twenty years old.His mother would wait for his return,every night.Last christmas he gave her a stainless steer frying pan.Later,he wanted to shoot the recruit.He observed,the green of the jeep.A green so similar to the forest of his town.The Borhim Valley.What a dream of pilongas chestnuts.Then remenber the chestnuts wars in the town.It is true that wars are always started by the young men from the city.The boys from the town have enough with work. 


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